Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can i curb my appetite. I would like to lose weight by not eating as much. any advice?

Whenever you need to curb your appetite, drink ice water. It really does work.
Also, if you have a sweet tooth like I do, try chewing on some sugar free gum when you have the urge to grab some candy or other sweets.Food with fiber, such as vegetables or high fiber cereal, will help keep you full longer, and therefore help you not want to snack. Hope I helped some!
Fill up on veggies, fruit, and lean protein. Leave the carbs alone for awhile. When you want to snack try almonds.
veggies, fruit and protein are good. make sure you are geting your fill of water too. Stay active.
Eat complex carbohydrates like unbleached bread, rice and oatmeal. but don't neglect the other food groups.
There are several ways that you can go about this. It depends on your preference and current state of health. Typically, eating a lot of fiber and whole grains can help curb your appetite because they fill you up faster so you are less likely to eat more. So food choice is definitely one method. If you still have trouble curbing your appetite, try talking to your doctor and maybe he/she can prescribe a prescription pill for curbing your appetite. I know people who have had success with it. The drawback is that these pills can raise you blood pressure and so your doctor will not prescribe it if you have borderline or high blood pressure. They have over the counter stuff too that you could probably try but I would suggest getting a checkup first from ur doctor to make sure you don't have any high blood pressure/ heart problems that can become worse if you start taking these pills. Finally, another way to curb your appetite is by finding activities that you love or picking up a hobby. I personally find that when I am busy doing something that I really love I don't think about food and when I actually start thinking about food then i know that I am truly hungry and need to eat. Thats a good way to learn when ur body really needs fuel from when your just bored so you wanna eat. Good luck!
Millions of people everywhere are trying to loose weight and not one single person is the same. This is only a suggestion.Not eating or skipping meals, not only makes you hungry throughout the day, but it deprives your body of the necessary nutrients and energy that you need to stay on top. I suggest that you eat 5 small meals a day. This means getting your recommended daily allowance of each food group. When you get to the breads, choose 100% whole grain oat bread, read the ingredients to make sure they are not substituting.
Don't skip, you have to get your body use to this routine. Give up soda pop, it is a dieters worse nightmare. If a person drinks one pop a day for one year they add 15 pounds to their weight. Drink water, this not only saves you on adding weight, it cleans your body from the inside out and gives you cells the necessary fluids needed to function properly. One more thing, exercise. I could not emphysise this enough. Daily walks every day when you can fit it in do wonders. They are simple, they don't require an enormous amount of effort, and you get a chance to enjoy the beautiful surroundings. I wish you well.http://www.mypyramid.gov/ Here you can personalize a food pyramid that is based on your height and weight.

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