Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hip Flexors?

I'm in Taekwondo and whenever i do a certain type of kick, the area right about my groin and right under my private area pops. I know that the hip flexors are right there. It doesn't hurt when it pops in the beginning, but later in class if we keep doing the kicks it starts to hurt and the next morning i am sore. Did i pull a muscle? Know any stretches to help this? Should i be concerned? It doesn't feel like the muscle popping, it feels more like the bone moving in the joint.
talk to the instructor
you may just have a weird set up lol he should be able to help you make a reasonable accommodation
good luck!
maybe you should do some warmups or stretching before you start the kicks. take one step forward so your feet are a bout a foot apart. bend at your knees and hips, but keep your back straight. keep your feet flat on the floor. do 8-10 reps. then raise the foot that's behind so it's on the toes and flex again for 8-10 reps. then switch feet. hope it helps

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